Natural Fertility Package for Individuals & Couples
Making the decision to start a family is one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking things that a couple can go through together. Preparing your mind and body for this new phase can be confusing, as there is so much conflicting information out there about what is healthy and what is not.
Having spent months and years riding my own emotional roller coaster trying IUI, IVF and ICSI to no avail, I understand the feelings of frustration, insecurity, worry and questioning ‘what is my purpose in life’? I want to share with you the nutritional science and research investigating infertility amongst couples. This knowledge was never offered to me while I went through my struggle and I find it hugely important to get the message out there!
I want to guide you through this mishmash of information and educate you about the vital raw materials and nutrients needed to support natural fertility and the journey it takes to achieve a healthy implantation. I will inform you about the things that can be detrimental to your hormone production, empowering you to make better food choices. Each of us is unique, therefore, together, you and I will create a tailored plan to fit your own biochemical make-up according to your own personal circumstances.
Perhaps you are already on this journey and have been disappointed with a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. I can work alongside your existing treatment plan and guide you with nutritional advice that will help strengthen the body as it’s put under the demands of hormonal medications.
The human body is an amazing, intricate and complex machine and will adapt to the environment to which it is exposed. We as humans have been designed to procreate but through no fault of our own, our species has become increasingly exposed to toxins/endocrine disruptors (1,2,3), social and work pressures, alterations to the molecular structure of our foods, causing nutrient depletion, and genetic mutations being passed through the generations possibly causing miscarriages and other infertility problems. Under these circumstances, our bodies can react by preserving energy to survive rather than to make a baby. We cannot change our genetic make–up, but we can try to control the environment around us. The subject known as epigenetics i.e. our diet, stress and lifestyle, impact on our DNA and these stressors can have the ability to switch on and off certain genes. This is a hot topic amongst scientists and the health food industry and through developing research, we hope that it will pave the way towards nutritional medicine that treats the cause rather than the symptom.
With the use of diagnostic testing, up to date research and information gathered about your present lifestyle, I can help you look for the blockages and deficiencies that may be preventing you from conceiving and carrying a healthy baby to full term. I can help translate any previous testing you may have done as well as help you to understand the findings and outcomes of these tests. The more we know about your hormone output, the clearer things will become to develop your personal plan. Together we will discuss the importance of sleep hygiene, stress/lifestyle management (4) and detoxification processes that help to remove by-products of bodily functions and external chemicals. There is no quick fix to this process as both immature egg (oocytes) and sperm cells need at least 3 months to develop and mature before ovulation and ejaculation can occur. This is called pre-conception care and it’s just as important to look after the body before implantations as it is once pregnant.
Packages – This is currently being updated. I will be back soon with special packages that will include, diagnostic testing to help identify underlying imbalances within the different body systems, an analysis or your present dietary intake and a realistic protocol which will help you to make better food choices to support your reproductive organs.
Please feel free to get in contact to make an appointment for an intial free 30min discovery call. I can then give you more details about how I can help you on your nutritional journey towards natural conception.

Additional costs and services
Diagnostic testing may include: hormones, thyroid, vitamin and nutrient status, stool testing – Prices to be discussed
Interpretation of previous tests – €25
Telephone/skype calls in between sessions – €40 for 30mins
Cooking workshops – 2 ½ hrs in my home. All ingredients, recipes and refreshments provided. €60 per person.
This is an ideal opportunity to learn how to introduce healthy antioxidants, Omega 3 and vital other nutrients to support hormone status into your diet. Changing habits can be difficult to start with and I can show how small tweaks here and there can help balance the blood sugar levels that has numerous benefits for all systems of the body.
Cooking workshops will be tailored to your particular needs and a recipe book will be created to support you at home.
- The Deep Correlation between Energy Metabolism and Reproduction: A View on the Effects of Nutrition for Women Fertility
- Environmental Toxins and Male Fertility
- Environmental and occupational exposures were associated with reduced sperm count motility, viability, normal forms and detectable levels of lead and cadmium in seminal plasma.
- Lifestyle factors and reproductive health: taking control of your fertility